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Creative Geometric LED Display

» Creative Geometric LED Display

  • Round shape led display

    Creative Geometric LED Display , , ,

    ■ Creative round shape led dispaly
    ■ Custom shape LED display design
    ■ Round disk shape led display
    ■ Moon shape led display

    • Description

    ound shape LED screen or disk shape led display is a unique design of Visualpower Geometric LED display series.

    It allows the video or images displayed in the round range. This can be very useful when there is such stage design for event rental or  LED billboards for advertising.

    Visualpower round shape led display can be done in two ways.

    For diameter in 1.5m range indoor circles, it can be made into edgeless circles by special shape LED display modules.

    Below is a 1m diameter indoor  P3 LED circle display which is edgeless.

    For diameter over 1.5m, if following the edgeless way, it will need many special shape modules, which will make the cost dramatically increased.

    Such big diameter circles are commonly made by square modules and cover the edge.

    such as the P2.5 2.5m diameter indoor circle, it is made by 160*160mm square shape module and then cover the edge(190mm bezel).

    To make such round shape circles look beautiful, the bezel width should be controlled as small as possible. Visualpower designed some small modules to make the edge look narrow.

    P5 80mm(16*16pixels)  small module

    P3 1.2m circle made by three different size mini LED modules

    This makes the bezel only 5cm wide.

    Visualpower can make any diameter and pixel pitch(commonly over 1.875mm) indoor circular led displays.

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